
The pixelscan library provides functions to scan pixels on a grid in a variety of spatial patterns. The library consists of scan generators and coordinate transformations. Scan generators are Python generators that return pixel coordinates in a particular spatial pattern. Coordinate transformations are iterators that apply spatial transformations to the coordinates created by the scan generators. Transformation can be chained to yield very generic transformations.



The gisrastertools is a python module that provides a fast and flexible tool to work with GIS raster files. It includes tools to

  • Given a point (lat,lon) find its location in a raster
  • Aggregate rasters to lower resolutions
  • Align two rasters of different sizes to common area and size
  • Get all the geographical information of raster
  • Create GeoTiff files easily
  • Load GeoTiff files as masked numpy rasters



PyGeoprocessing is a Python/Cython based library that provides a set of commonly used raster, vector, and hydrological operations for GIS processing. Similar functionality can be found in ArcGIS/QGIS raster algebra, ArcGIS zonal statistics, and ArcGIS/GRASS/TauDEM hydrological routing routines.

PyGeoprocessing was developed at the Natural Capital Project to create a programmable, open source, and free GIS processing library to support the ecosystem service software InVEST. PyGeoprocessing’s design prioritizes computation and memory efficient runtimes, easy installation and cross compatibility with other open source and proprietary software licenses, and a simplified set of orthogonal GIS processing routines that interact with GIS data via filename. Specifically the functionally provided by PyGeoprocessing includes

  • programmable raster algebra routine (vectorize_datasets)
  • routines for simplified raster creation and statistics
  • integration with vector based geometry in many of the routines
  • a simplified hydrological routing library



Python-geotiepoints is a python module that interpolates (and extrapolates if needed) geographical tiepoints into a larger geographical grid. This is usefull when the full resolution lon/lat grid is needed while only a lower resolution grid of tiepoints was provided.

Some helper functions are provided to accomodate for satellite data, but the package should be generic enough to be used for any kind of data.



The GeoRasters package is a python module that provides a fast and flexible tool to work with GIS raster files. It provides the GeoRaster class, which makes working with rasters quite transparent and easy. In a way it tries to do for rasters what GeoPandas does for geometries.

It includes tools to

  • Merge rasters
  • Plot rasters
  • Extract information from rasters
  • Given a point (lat,lon) find its location in a raster
  • Aggregate rasters to lower resolutions
  • Align two rasters of different sizes to common area and size
  • Get all the geographical information of raster
  • Create GeoTiff files easily
  • Load GeoTiff files as masked numpy rasters


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